New on sCoolEDU Powers - Helping children find their element - Blog post 2 of 4<div><p><br></p> <p><img src="/.api2/binaries/8755924-2R853YV4ZV/thumbnails/17274470_10155116449941974_769667918_n.jpg?width=574&amp;height=431" alt="17274470_10155116449941974_769667918_n.jpg" data-ig-embed-key="2R853YV4ZV" class="fr-dib fr-draggable" style="width: 574px; height: 430.5px;"></p> <p><br></p> <h4 style="margin-left: 40px;"><em>“Never underestimate the vital importance of finding early in life the work that for you is play.” Dr Paul Samuelson</em></h4> <p><br></p> <p>Why are we working towards helping pupils to identify the underlying powers they possess?</p> <p>Have you ever had that moment when you have been so absorbed by something that hours go by like minutes and you are caught up in a…</p></div>Mr MullisSun, 12 Mar 2017 10:06:42 -0400 Powers, Talents and Art afternoon at Park End Primary School - Blog post 1 of 4<div><p><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable" src="/.api2/binaries/8755924-RB9QnNrzx4/thumbnails/Schermafdruk%202017-03-05%2017.30.54.png?width=506&amp;height=401" style="width: 506px; height: 400.95696202531644px;" alt="Schermafdruk%202017-03-05%2017.30.54.png" data-ig-embed-key="RB9QnNrzx4"></p> <p>The introduction ‘Today you will be working on a self-portrait’, to year 3 was met with a few groans from the class and a look of fear on one boys face. I explained that this was no ordinary self-portrait and they we going to be using no mirrors and not trying to replicate their beautiful features. “I will explain more, later I said…”</p> <p>The…</p></div>Mr MullisSun, 05 Mar 2017 12:45:16 -0500 privacy is well worth protecting!<div><p>Today is the <strong>10th National Data Privacy Day in the UK.</strong> While we are at <strong>Bett 2017</strong>, we decided to take a break from our booth and have a chat about our own privacy, as well as yours and just as importantly, that of your pupils. </p> <p>Privacy is a hot issue. It seems our personal data is constantly under attack and that a <em>Big Brother (1984) </em>scenario is…</p></div>Karen MouwsSat, 28 Jan 2017 07:01:46 -0500 Sheriff Learning Trajectory as a support for Media Literacy<div><div> <p>Media Literacy is not just one skill or just the use of media. It also entails the understanding of and a critical attitude towards said media. When we challenge children to reflect on their own media use and that of their peers, they will automatically take a look through the eyes of a '<em>social media police officer</em>': the <strong>Media Sheriff</strong>.</p> <p><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable" src="/.api2/binaries/8755924-l5Gl6QgYYe/largest_sherif_banner.png" style="width: 857px; height: 160.26127320954907px;" alt="largest_sherif_banner.png" data-ig-embed-key="l5Gl6QgYYe"></p> <p>These…</p></div></div>Karen MouwsThu, 05 Jan 2017 02:28:22 -0500 on the Cloud & sCool<div><p style="text-align: right;"><a href="" class=" WikiLinkType1"><img class="fr-dib fr-draggable fr-fir" src="/.api2/binaries/8755924-DxkWnaKoW7/nederlandse-vlag-icon.png" style="width: 30px; height: 30px;" alt="nederlandse-vlag-icon.png" data-ig-embed-key="DxkWnaKoW7" data-pin-nopin="true"></a></p> <p>Last year, sCool was selected as one of the best cases in the European <em>'School on the Cloud'</em> project. Tomorrow - November 18 - this amazing project comes to an end with a closing event in Brussels; with fascinating speakers such as Sugata Mitra and Ewan McIntosh. </p> <h3><a href="" target="_blank"></a>School on the Cloud</h3> <p>School on the Cloud is a project funded by the European…</p></div>Karen MouwsThu, 17 Nov 2016 09:51:47 -0500's Challenges<div><h3>First, take a look at Java's announcement video</h3> <p><iframe src="" width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></iframe></p> <h3>So what's on the agenda for this year?</h3> <p style="text-align: center;"><img id="79f12228-f481-4a6c-b215-d27f6e1a2c58" src="" alt="talenten_banner.png" width="936" height="174" style="border: 0px;"></p> <p>Every child has its strong suits, things that make him or her special. We believe that that deserves to be set in the spotlight. Also an easy way to meet new friends at your school! Java will start in <strong>September</strong> this year and the theme of the month is <strong>'Talen…</strong></p></div>Karen MouwsMon, 22 Aug 2016 10:00:01 -0400