The sCool Playground is the center of a sCool community, where children come to have fun and learn together. Playing games, talking, sharing thoughts - it is all just as much part of the digital Playground as it is the physical one.
Safe & Net is a personal favourite of our sCool team. This icon will link you to our support community where students, teachers and administrators will find tools, tips and tricks on good (safe) internet use. But not just boring reading, no. There will be videos, knowledge wikis, and most of all: fun, educational games. We even included a page on to learn how to code, just like us.
With the the integrated class Calendar, you will never forget your paper agenda again.
Children take control of their own schedules and learn to plan both at school and in their free time, when they integrate both the School and Class agenda in their Dashboard. Homework, ballet lessons, football practice: it all fits neatly in there. They will never be late or double book again.
You probably have loads of great ideas to make your school a better place or maybe you have a relevant question you want to ask your fellow pupils or teachers? On sCool you'll find the Forums, where you can discuss things, propose new ideas, ask questions and more.
It's no wonder student councils love to use it: now all pupils can submit their own ideas for discussion on how to improve life both on sCool and at school. It's democracy at work!
Many children (and adults) dream of being a genuine reporter. Our sCoolPaper tool gives them exactly that opportunity!
Being a reporter for the paper allows pupils te deploy a wide array of educational skills; such as writing, creating media content, planning ahead, editorial and reading skills, interviewing and posing questions, and so on.
Maybe one day, your article, video or interview will shine on the front page and be submitted for a Cool prize "Kids Generated Content" on Java'sCool
Classes make Wikis about music, cooking, books, languages, science, learning and so on.
There are even wikis about social media and digital games!
Want to go out for pizza tonight or did you just see a cool video you want to share? This is where you post it. It is the heart of any space or playground, always buzzing with activity.
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