Learning Method
We offer our free sCool Education Method through the renewed support community. Parents, teachers and pupils who understand the need to become more Digital Social Responsibility, can find the latest information about what excites them in the digital world of new apps and games.
Children today grow up in a digital world where online connections and innovative learning methods are part of their development. This is in contrast to past generations who have grown up in the time of learning and teaching methods based on traditional knowledge transfer.
We can barely keep up with the speed of innovation, therefore we work with learning ecosystem to learn as soon as possible about the new hypes and tools our children use. Via our "Media Sheriffs' , motivated teachers and concerned parents we are always trying to keep our finger on the pulse.
That pupils prefer to learn by experimenting and discovering is known, however, where will they get "Safe&Net" information about the latest hypes on games and social apps. PowerPoint is a easy for many pupils, but how to make presentations and home works such as and "Talents Blogs" and book reports more interesting with the coolest ICT Tools. And for those who thought coding is only for nerds; you don't know how much fun it can be.
The method includes a wide range of practical teaching materials, dossiers and inspiration such as maps and posters to use in the classroom.
Some examples;
- Poster and the guidelines to establish a sCool Social Contract with the children that supported them in their Digital Social Responsible development
- Educational methods such as; "Media Sheriffs" and Talent Development with media and social learning.
- Examples of logbooks and media diaries that kids can use to stimulate reflection on their own media use
- But also dossiers and teachers guides on important society topics such as "Safeguarding against Radicalisation in Primary Education"
Joined to this all we offer a concrete, digital practice platform.
You can compare it to learning how to ride a bike. You can explain to a child how to do it, look at videos about it, but in the end you will need an actual bike to practice with in a safe environment and with proper guidance.
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