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Children want to be connected to their friends all the time, even when they're not at school. But who will teach them digital social responsibility, when even adults are at a loss online? It's not like there's a book for them to practice how to.

sCool teaches children in primary schools digital social responsibility from an early age, by providing a free method and online practice environment exclusive for young people, that actively promotes media literacy, safety and a culture free from cyber-bullying. 


The sCool Educational Method includes a wide range of support materials for pupils, parents and teachers.

You can follow our support community;

  • Finding information in "Safe&Net" about games, social apps, cute ICT tools and even tips to get started with coding in and adjacent to the classroom.
  • Educational Packages such as the "Media Sheriffs" and "Talent Development using Media".
  • But also Dossiers and Teachers' Guides  such as "Safeguarding against Radicalisation in Primary Schools"
  • And of course ... a learning community where we continuously share knowledge. Do you want to use a "living learning lab" for your school group or with international partners, we have it!

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