August 22, 2016
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Every child has its strong suits, things that make him or her special. We believe that that deserves to be set in the spotlight. Also an easy way to meet new friends at your school! Java will start in September this year and the theme of the month is 'Talents'!
As our October's theme, we chose food! Food is the source of energy in your body and it's insanely important, but everyone has their different way of preparing it... Java is curious and really wants to know what's on your menu.
Once we reach November, we'll be coming near the end of the year so our little robot thought to take some time and think about one of the most important topics at sCool... Media! This is an very relevant topic since it has a lot of subjects which are difficult to talk about such as terror, war and so on. We would also want to ask the school to take an extra effort in organizing games and other activities to prevent cyber bullying. You can do this for example by writing your original song or making an artwork.
As we all know, we have a lot of holidays coming up in December. In Europe most of the countries celebrate Christmas but on the other side of the world, what do they celebrate there? To get to know more about that you don't need to look so far back. It's all rooted in your culture and the integration in your country.
The New Year in January has started, and Java is excited to know what you would like to invent this year. She challenges you to step into a real scientist's shoes and maybe you'll even dare doing an experiment or show us the world of science.
February is the worldwide month of love, family, friends and relations because it's Valentines Day!
In March, we're basing our challenges on professions that you might think are normal in your surroundings but aren't for Java. Not only does she want to know which jobs there are but also which jobs you think might come to be in the future.
April is up next and it's spring, the time of the year where everything starts growing! The nature is beautiful but we have to care for it. Java decided it is high time to put the environment central to our challenges.
It's May and the summer feeling is in the air. You might travel to far places or you might just discover new things in your own city. Java hasn't decided yet, she'd like to learn about more places before she decides.
It's June and it is the end of the school year. We hope you had a very interesting year. For our last challenges we wanted you to look in to Art. It's a theme that we're bringing back from the past, back from when Java'sCool was introduced. We received a lot of beautiful works and we hope they could inspire you too.
We hope to receive a lot of nice creative works from all the children in Europe so we can share them with you on Java'sCool, your own channel to share knowledge, talents and other fun things. Oh and before we forget, there are lots of cool prizes that can be won. Do you want to know who won last year and got a Samsung Tablet for his whole class? Take a look at last years pictures.
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