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Photo of Mr MullisOffline

Why are we working towards helping pupils to identify the underlying powers they possess?

Photo of Mr MullisOffline

The first in a series of posts about the use of super powers in the classroom.

Photo of Karen MouwsOffline

Your privacy is well worth protecting!

By Karen Mouws

Photo of Karen MouwsOffline

Photo of Karen MouwsOffline

School on the Cloud & sCool

By Karen Mouws

Photo of Karen MouwsOffline

Java's Challenges

By Karen Mouws

Java is a robot that doesn't see the world like you and I do. She needs children all over Europe to help her understand the world better. That's why Java and sCool are calling on all the children to give their opinion on the world and how we could make it better. We do this by giving you 3 challenges every month. It's your job, to find the most creative way to answer them.
We get the results through the sCool digital classroom, where Java chooses a couple of them which really stood out; and shares them on her website. This way other sCool pupils in Europe can see them too. In this article, we're going to give you a sneak peak and tell you the themes of this school year.

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