November 17, 2016
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Last year, sCool was selected as one of the best cases in the European 'School on the Cloud' project. Tomorrow - November 18 - this amazing project comes to an end with a closing event in Brussels; with fascinating speakers such as Sugata Mitra and Ewan McIntosh.
School on the Cloud is a project funded by the European Union, in the search for how Cloud technology can help in educational innovation and increase the pedagogical quality of learning. The Cloud enables students to learn any time and any place; when and how they need it. The project spent the last few years researching the education of the future.
In 2015, School on the Cloud collected online innovation initiatives in education, to create a state of the art of the field. sCool was selected as one of the best cases in Europe and given elaborate attention in the subsequent publication; being the practice platform for media literacy and the digital classroom. sCool strives to realise the education of the future, based on our three principles, seamlessly connecting to the School on the Cloud principles.
Those interested in reading more about this and the other European cases, can do so in the online publication.
On november 18 GO! will organise the main closing event of the School on the Cloud project, in the Flemish Parliament in Brussels.
Apart from an overview the past realisations and research results of the project, there will of course be several interesting keynote speakers present. International innovator in education and TED speaker, Sugata Mitra, will cover his project 'Hole in the Wall' in India and his lessons for School on the Cloud; next to Ewan McIntosh (NoTosh Limited), one of the main driving forces in educational innovation.
We look forward to meeting the speakers and you at this event.
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